Annemarie Guzy
is a renowned artistic collaborator specializing in designing and producing exceptional live concerts and elevating educational experiences. Collaborations include numerous productions and education programs for and with organizations such as the Fred Rogers Company, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, National Park Service, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, The Dominican Dream Project, the Seattle Symphony and the Albert Schweitzer Fellows Program. With a Masters in Piano Performance from New England Conservatory, and
a dual degree Bachelors of Arts in
English Literature and Cultures and
Music from Brown University, Ms.
Guzy is recognized for her creativity,
vibrancy, and innovative approach to
live performance and educational
programs nationally and internationally.
Currently Ms. Guzy oversees the visual
and performing arts programs for the
Riverside Unified School District. She is
also the proud mom to Cuddle Concert
lover Oban.


Fine Arts Coordinator
Maryland State Department of Education

Annemarie’s facilitation of curricular and programmatic development focusing on 21st Century learning is progressive, expansive, and constantly evolving.

General Manager
BBC Philharmonic

Annemarie has a great passion for communicating the power of music, she is creative, knowledgeable and a strong communicator who has great energy to deliver her vision.

President and CEO
Utah Symphony | Utah Opera

Annemarie proved herself to be a highly creative programmer and producer for young children’s and family concerts. Never losing sight of educational goals, she has terrific instincts in knowing how to present musical concepts in ways that lead to understanding at appropriate age levels. Feedback from teachers, students and parents was always universally positive.

Grammy Music Educator Award 2016 Semi-Finalist
Howard County Public Schools

Ms. Guzy is an extraordinarily energetic and visionary curriculum developer.
Her knowledge of her subject matter is deep, and she designs modules of learning and enrichment that reflect a creative and broad approach to
involving the whole child in the process.
Her commitment to the
vision of a project, and her gentle way of encouraging everyone to work together towards the dream, ensure that results are visionary not only in conception, but also in practice.

Coordinator of Music and Dance
Baltimore County Public Schools

Annemarie is enthusiastically committed to designing and implementing engaging music education programs for students of diverse backgrounds. Her work with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Midweek Education Concerts benefitted thousands of students from Baltimore City and surrounding Maryland counties.